Adult Basic Education [ABE]

Why Adult Basic Education?

Life is changing.

Many jobs are currently available in Michigan, but these jobs may require special skills or certifications.

According to a study conducted by Michigan's Council for Labor and Economic Growth, nearly 1.7 MILLION people in Michigan did not have the basic skills or credentials to hold a family wage job.

44% of Michigan's adults lack the skills to perform more than "simple, everyday activities".

Students today need to gain the skills so they can earn the diploma so they can get a job or enroll in college or job training.

Michigan has also increased graduation requirements for all high school students of any age so that all graduates may have the skills that today's jobs and colleges demand.

Warren Woods Adult & Community Education believes students can learn and want to be successful. For many adults, foundational classes such as Adult Basic Education will help them achieve success.

Who qualifies for Adult Basic Education?

  • Adults aged 18 years or older (as of July 1st of the school year) who lack basic skills in English and/or math
  • Adults with or without a high school diploma or equivalency certificate, if lacking basic skills

What are "basic skills"?

Basic skills are a person's ability to understand and communicate in English and to perform math computations. A person who does not perform these skills at a 9th grade level or higher meets one of the qualifications for Adult Basic Education.

How can I have a diploma and not have "basic skills"?

This is a tough question to answer without pointing fingers. Instead, Warren Woods Adult & Community Education would rather simply say that a person should not worry about why this is so but do something about it.

If you feel your skills make it difficult for you to:

  • read to your children or help them with homework,
  • pass a general test required to get a job,
  • fill out an application,
  • complete remedial or beginning courses at a community college or job training program, or
  • do everyday math at your job,

then Adult Basic Education may be a program for you, even if you have a diploma. 

Will this mean it takes longer to get my diploma?

Maybe, maybe not. Some people come back to school and get frustrated or overwhelmed, so they quickly drop out. The cycle of starting school and dropping out doesn't help a person get ahead.

Imagine trying to get on the freeway on a bicycle instead of a car or motorcycle. You could pedal and pedal but not keep up. You would tire easily and quickly. It would take longer to get where you want to go, too.

Adult Basic Education helps students get up to speed with their skills so that they can complete the diploma requirements, perhaps with less struggle and frustration. Having a strong foundation in math and English helps students do well in more difficult classes in the future.

Maybe I'll just get my GED instead.

Every adult needs to make wise decisions based on his or her life, circumstances, and obligations to family and work. Most students will need at least some Adult Basic Education during the preparation to take a GED or HiSET test. [Programs may call ABE "pre-GED" or "pre-HSE" to not scare people away from the process.] Consider improving your basic literacy skills in an Adult Basic Education program. Once complete, a student may continue to HSE test prep, HSE testing, or High School Completion. Some students may also be "dual enrolled" meaning that they have high literacy skills in one or more subjects and can test in that area but also need some ABE level work in another area.

How do I enroll for Adult Basic Education?

Visit our Registration page for information. Since most students will enroll in Adult Basic Education before or along with High School Completion or Equivalency classes, all levels are taught in the same classroom.